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microbeat creation

topic posted Tue, January 3, 2006 - 5:02 PM by  Erock!!!
recently Ive been really getting into the microbeats of artists like matmos, oval, icelandic bands like mum.. does anyone have any good resources or links for creating these glitchy sounds.. i.e. good programs to use, best approach, using MIDI.. I know thats a pretty broad question but any imput for newbies like me would be great! Currently I use Reason, but not sure if thats what I want to generate this kind of sound..
thanks! Erock
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SF Bay Area
  • Re: microbeat creation

    Tue, January 3, 2006 - 5:19 PM
    there was a good thread on this elsewhere...

    I know oval is all about the CD skipping... though from what I understand they use custom software to achieve it...

    have you heard microstoria? one of my favorites since I was introduced to them... if you like beautiful, glitchy textures... mmmmm...
    • Re: microbeat creation

      Sat, January 7, 2006 - 1:07 AM
      Wow thanks for the link.. that'll keep me busy for a long while.. I havent heard of microstoria but am always looking for new stuff. I'll try to match ya but you've probably heard of most of these.. Kid 606, Wobbly, Stock Hausen and Walkman, Komet.. hmmm its 3am Im done.